2024 Rome, Italy

II-01 Noha Abdelgawad
Population pharmacokinetics of pyrazinamide in hospitalised TB patients with HIV versus TB outpatients
II-02 Mahmoud Abdelwahab
Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modelling of Clofazimine Effects on QTcF in South African tuberculosis patients
II-03 Leticia Arrington
Evaluation of IRT-derived disease severity as a predictor of clinical success in critically ill patients with severe antibiotic resistant infections
II-04 Fauke Assmus
Population pharmacokinetics of benznidazole as monotherapy and in combination with fosravuconazole in adult patients with chronic Chagas disease (BENDITA study)
II-05 Rami Ayoun Alsoud
Predictive Modeling to Study the Treatment-Shortening Potential of Novel Tuberculosis Drug Regimens, Toward Bundling of Preclinical Data
II-06 Irina Bondareva
Population pharmacokinetics of meropenem in adult intensive care unit (ICU) patients estimated from therapeutic drug monitoring data (TDM) data
II-07 Unai Caballero
Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling and simulation of the in vitro activity of isavuconazole and echinocandin combination against Candida auris.
II-08 Lu Chen
Pharmacokinetics of fluconazole in obese and non-obese adults upon a semi-simultaneous oral and IV study design
II-09 Palang Chotsiri
Piperaquine pharmacokinetics during intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnancy
II-10 Selma El Messaoudi
A mechanistic model to characterize the long-term dynamic of HBV markers in Lamivudine and PEG-IFNa treated patients
II-11 Teresa Garcia
Non-linear binding model of total daptomycin in patients with normal and impaired renal function
II-12 Kamunkhwala Gausi
Pharmacokinetics of high dose isoniazid among individuals with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
II-13 Victória Etges Helfer
Population pharmacokinetic modeling of ceftaroline characterizing tissue distribution following different ceftaroline fosamil infusion regimens to volunteers undergoing muscle and subcutaneous tissue microdialysis
II-14 Richard Höglund
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of ivermectin and its metabolites
II-15 Aida Kawuma
Rifabutin changes dolutegravir’s half-life but not area under the curve when co-administered
II-16 Guillaume Lingas
Lassa viral dynamics in macaques treated with favipiravir or ribavirin
II-17 Feiyan Liu
Modeling inflammatory biomarker dynamics in human LPS challenge studies using delay differential equations
II-18 Nele Mueller-Plock
Predicting RSV efficacy for moderate and tropical climates considering seasonal differences in RSV force-of-infection – Application of an MBMA and clinical trial simulation framework to support MK-1654 decision making
II-19 Anh Duc Pham
Modelling rate and extent of resistance development against colistin in Klebsiella pneumoniae
II-20 Viktor Rognås
Turn-over model characterizing effect of colistin on serum-creatinine in critically ill patients
II-21 Federico Romano
Model-based extrapolation of the early bacterial activity (EBA) of bedaquiline-combination regimens for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis
II-22 Louis Sandra
A target-mediated drug disposition model describing plasma and liver pharmacokinetics of JNJ-73763989 in AAV-HBV mice
II-23 Hiie Soeorg
Prediction of C-reactive protein dynamics during meropenem treatment in very-low-birth-weight neonates with late-onset sepsis or pneumonia
II-24 Jesper Sundell
Model-based characterization of drug-drug interaction between isoniazid and rifampicin
II-25 Lénaïg Tanneau
Population pharmacokinetics of delamanid and its main metabolite DM-6705 in patients with multidrug resistant tuberculosis
II-26 David Uster
Evaluation of four distinct weighting schemes in a model averaging and selection approach in model-informed precision dosing of continuously infused vancomycin
II-27 Stijn van Beek
Modeling the relationship between plasma and intracellular pharmacokinetics of bedaquiline and its metabolite M2 in South African patients with rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis
II-28 Luka Verrest
Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling of Leishmania blood parasite kinetics in visceral leishmaniasis patients
II-29 Qianwen Wang
Determination of risk factors for time to culture conversion in tuberculosis patients receiving novel regimen
II-30 Thanaporn Wattanakul
Semi-mechanistic Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Piperaquine in a Volunteer Infection Study with Plasmodium falciparum Blood-Stage Malaria
II-31 Justin Wilkins
PK/PD modelling of M5717 in malaria
II-32 Tan Zhang
A population pharmacokinetic analysis to evaluate the impact of body weight, renal function, and patient status on vancomycin pharmacokinetics